Registrating Cattle

Registration of Aussie Reds


Australian Red Dairy Breed Register

Cattle Registration Eligibility and Promotion Criteria 


Registered Australian Red Dairy Breed animals must have at least one registered parent from one of the following red dairy breeds: Australian Red, Ayrshire, Dairy/Milking Shorthorn, Illawarra, Angler, Norwegian Red, and Viking Red.

Animals submitted should be predominantly red, red and white, or roan. Because some of the foundation breeds carry black markings, the range of acceptable colours includes minor dark shading. Registration applications for predominantly black females will be accepted, but their name will end with a “B” suffix. There is no need to add the “B” if a female’s colour changes from red to black with maturity. Predominantly black bulls are not eligible for registration.

Animals entered for breed sales or exhibition and brood cows should have minimal black colouring and should not carry the “B” suffix.

Registered Animals who have one parent from any other breed, other than Australian Red, Ayrshire, Dairy/Milking Shorthorn, Illawarra, Angler, Norwegian Red, and Viking Red, will carry the “SB” suffix, and will be eligible for breed classification, but will not receive ARDB cow awards or be promoted by the ARDB.

  • “SB” is supplementary breed.


For further information on how to register here

Registration Office Contact:

Holstein Australia

(03) 9835 7600