
Progeny Test Bulls proofs
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#1 Progeny Test Bulls proofs
By Sam (Mar 05 2010, 10:00 AM)
Who are your favourite progeny test daughters this year?
#2 Progeny Test Bulls proofs
By Administrator (Mar 05 2010, 10:07 AM)
My favourite is Bon Jovi daughters
#3 Progeny Test Bulls proofs
By Guest (Mar 06 2010, 6:42 PM)
For what it's worth, our ARBMAWSON daughters are giving a lot of milk
#4 Progeny Test Bulls proofs
By Steve Snowdon (Mar 07 2010, 8:46 AM)
Favorite PT heifer is a Bon Jovi, little bit slow milking but a great heifer.
#5 Progeny Test Bulls proofs
By terry blasche (May 31 2010, 8:22 AM)
I've got a very nice arbliam daughter, which she has no milking speed prolbem, great udder
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